Family Hiking Trail

Where to go?

golden gate bridge, bridge, structure
skyline, new york, cityscape


Local trail 1

Trail Location

Located in the Bay Area

5.1235, -123435

Trail Length

Perfect for family outing.

8 Miles


Trail isn't too hard. Easy slope.



Pretty flowers, nice trees



BBQ Special Pizza

Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8


Spe. Cheesy Cheese

Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8


Mushroom Chilly Pizza

Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8


Chicken BBQ Special

Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8


Six Tasty Lunches for $9

Bruschetta Classico

Roasted eggplant spread, marinat

Parmesan Bread

Ratione, nostrum mus hic harum aptent at quae sapien illo

Banana Waffles

Ratione, nostrum mus hic harum aptent at quae sapien illo

Cheese Garlic Bread

Roasted eggplant spread, marinat

Cottage Cheese Fusilli

Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8

Whole Grain Pasta

Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8

This is awesome hike.

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skyline, new york, cityscape